Monday 23 June 2008


Just stumbled across this site when looking for a new wallpaper for the mac. I'd seen this stuff mentioned on places before but never really paid any attention. Basically its a project thats been set up with major brands including Apple, Gap, Armani and American Express whereby when a consumer buys a designated (red) product, they will donate a percentage of the profit to (red) who will then use this to purchase AIDs medication for Africa.

Check out the video clip and website

After reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan recently (which is amazing by the way - highly recommended - Homelio gives it a mention) started to think a bit more about what we can do in our privileged middle class lives! Things like this don't even cost us anything!


1 comment:

Boaly said...

Mate, isn't Crazy Love such a challenge?
What about we grow tashes....rather you grow one and we charge people to laugh at you and give the proceeds to the poor?