Tuesday, 22 July 2008

What about them apples..?

I would like to take this opportunity to offer the right hand of fellowship to McDermott, welcoming him into the Cult of Mac - congratulating him on a life changing decision to turn his back on his wicked Windows ways and embrace the Apple!



Anonymous said...


Boaly said...

Sam - Repent! Turn back to the Old Paths!

Boaly said...

I read an article that claims that apple's products decend from the forbidden fruit
~Apple by its symbol and name represent the forbidden fruit
~The names of the products promote self indulgence as well as raising self up high - 'i'pod, 'i'mac...
~The beautiful ,sleek & somewhat sexy designs are similar to the fruit in the garden in that it was pleasing to the eyes & desirable & so draws us to covet, long for and lust after the products!

As For me - I love my ipod & don't believe the above!
Just thought id quote such nonsense for others to laugh at

simont said...

Are you for real bro? Where did you find that? It's some machine Sam!

Boaly said...

Seriously! One day I was just browsing some nutt-job blogs when one of them suprised me with these statements. I wish I'd copied them or the webaddress but I remember them clear as day!

For a witness I showed Tim & Swade when I had found them.