Tuesday, 27 May 2008

SONshine Club Kenya Project

I asked Brenda Stewart recently would she mind contributing to the blog by giving a bit of an introduction to the SONshine club - she kindly sent through the following...

"The SONshine Club was formed in May 2006 after a visit to Kenya delivering school stationery and clothes to many extremely poor people (85% of the population in Tharaka, Turkana & Samburu regions are unable to earn £10 per month to feed their families). We set out to find sponsors for 40 children and dig 2 wells.... 

...we now have over 120 children sponsored, have opened & run a medical clinic, set up a medical sponsorship programme, have completed the 2 wells and dug a bore hole, completed the first 3 classrooms in Gaceuni! 

To get a better picture of what we are doing and how you can help, why not visit our website - SONshine Club Kenya Project"

Cheers to Brenda for the information, check out their site and try not to be convicted!


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