Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Random Quote - CS Lewis

Read an interesting quote today that I think probably sums up a lot of my close friendships and probably a lot of christian guys...

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another. What! You too? I thought I was the only one!" 
CS Lewis

There's one of my friendships that it might as well have been written for - and its a friendship thats been one of most profitable and spiritually encouraging I've ever had - I'm glad it was based on 'mutual interests' !


Friday, 15 August 2008

Are there any heros here this evening?

David Crowder with a guitar hero controller - incredible!

I want one.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Thompo's Stag

He came, he saw, he got trailed...

Hanging round public parks, on a Saturday night, in an outfit like that -  and Castlereagh Baptist let him preach!? What is the world coming to?

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Random Quote - C.T. Studd

"Some want to live within the sound of the church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of Hell." - C.T. Studd (1860-1931)

HT: xxxchurch

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Random Quote - Bono

As the band was just starting off many years ago, Bono wrote the following words to his father, who just recently passed away; 

"[God] gives us our strength and a joy that does not depend on drink or drugs. this strength will, I believe, be the quality that will take us to the top of the music business. I hope our lives will be a testament to the people who follow us, and to the music business where never before have so many lost and sorrowful people gathered in one place pretending they're having a good time. I is our ambition to make more than good music"

Quoted from "Walk on: The Spiritual Journey of U2" by Steve Stockman

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Worship songs arnt for blokes?

Matt Redman comments on someone quoted as saying that worship songs arnt for blokes. Don't know what I think - I don't have a problem telling Jesus that I love him! Its quite interesting though what Matt says about making sure that the language in our worship songs is saying exactly what we mean it to.


Tuesday, 22 July 2008

What about them apples..?

I would like to take this opportunity to offer the right hand of fellowship to McDermott, welcoming him into the Cult of Mac - congratulating him on a life changing decision to turn his back on his wicked Windows ways and embrace the Apple!


Fools Gold

Fools Gold has a post on something rather topical in Glenmachan - doesn't offer too much at the minute but as people's comments build up it might be quite interesting.


Saturday, 19 July 2008

Random Quote - Lloyd Jones

“I am certain that the world outside is not going to take much notice of the organised efforts of the Christian church. The one thing she will pay attention to is a body of people filled with this Spirit of rejoicing. This is how Christianity conquered the ancient world.“
D. M. Lloyd Jones - Joy Unspeakable

With so much talk these days about responding to culture, and making the church "relevant(?)" - perhaps we've put too much emphasis on the small things and lost sight of what matters most.


Friday, 18 July 2008

CAP - Christians Against Poverty

Of those in debt:

- 67% missed meals with 22% doing so regularly.
- 80% lived in fear.
- 6% attempted suicide with 34% considering suicide.
- 69% visited their GP as a result of debt with 41% being prescribed medication.
- 39% said debt caused arguments, with another 17% saying debt led to their relationship breakdown.

The stats above are taken from the website of an organisation that has only recently come to my attention - Christians Against Poverty.

As its name would suggest this is an organisation focussed on reducing poverty within the UK, which it hopes to achieve by offering free debt counseling to those in need. It does so through partnering with local churches, who burdened for the needy, set up "CAP centers" within the church, receive specialist training from CAP, equipping them to reach out into their local communities helping those most effected by debt. It was founded in 1996 by John Kirkby and there are now 72 centers nationwide. 

From reading their website they operate as a kind of debt consolidation firm, except they have close links with credit companies, and lenders, allowing them to negotiate new interest rates for people who are being crippled by ever increasing loans. As a result they are in the unique position to help people pay their own ways out of debt, through sensible money management and budgeting. 

Check out the website and read more about the work this organisation does and the results that they continue to achieve, and "make your mark on UK poverty".


Thursday, 17 July 2008

Finally updated!!!

Realise its been a while but finally started updating 18-30s site again! Figured out a way of doing it from here without having to sign in and out all the time.


Random Quote - Tim Challies

Challies posted yesterday on "Data Smog and the Christian Life". Its a long post, but in one of his closing paragraphs he states,

"It is such a temptation to begin my day with checking my email and checking my favorite blogs and news sites rather than beginning quietly with God. I have a difficult time turning off the phone and the computer so I can sit and memorize God’s Word, even for just a few minutes at a time. I have succumbed to the information overload, and have loved being a part of it. I have seen the data smog envelop my life. But, as with many other Christians, I know it has affected my spiritual life. While the information we are privy to is in many ways a blessing, in other ways it is a temptation and a curse."

As someone more or less addicted to reading and posting on blog sites, I can second this. This blog itself charts my desperation for having my internet connection returned after a period of downtime! 

Its a bit of a shame, considering my bible sits on the same desk...


"his delight is in the law of the Lord, 
and on his law he meditates day and night"
                    Psalm 1:2

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Q Cafe - Seattle

As anyone who reads this blog regularly will know, there are two churches in Seattle that I pay a passing interest in - Mars Hill, and Quest. Quest is pastored by Eugene Cho, who's blog is on my recommended list. Part of the ministry at Quest is Q Cafe - and it looks amazing!

It is basically a non-profit community coffee shop, set up in a formerly disused warehouse next to their church in downtown Seattle run with the motto "be a good neighbour". As well as serving the usual coffee shop stuff, they offer local artists a bit of gallery space, and act as a venue in the evening for local musicians, drama groups, and open mic nights etc. They offer internet facilities (free wifi) and IT training to the local community, and provide a base for the churches homeless outreach program! Before the church had dedicated sanctuary they met here on Sundays!

The best thing about it is it cost the church very little! The warehouse was a free gift and the decor is very minimal.

The more I read about it I think, why doesn't our church have one! What an outreach into their community it must be. Eugene has mentioned in the past about talking a certain amount of stick over it not being "overtly christian", but surely as a Church there is more to outreach than preaching at people.

I have been meaning to post on this for ages, but it was being in the Eat etc (which was great by the way, only had ice-cream and coffee, but the decor and atmosphere was really great), on the site of the old Movies and Mochas today that got me thinking about it. From what I can see they are running this place to do something similar - I just wish Glenmachan had bought it instead and we were involved! 


Tuesday, 15 July 2008

A new era...

The volume of posts lately has been a bit pathetic. My deepest apologies to anyone who started confusing this blog with Marvelous Light. However ... BT have finally seen fit to send me out a new home hub! No more begging a connection of my parents, technical wifi theft from my neighbours, and no more days off doing constructive things. Instead I welcome the internet back into my home, and with it the hours spent reading other peoples blogs, watching people get hit in the groin with footballs on YouTube, buying songs I don't listen to on iTunes, and posting things nooone reads.

Isn't technology amazing!


Monday, 14 July 2008

The Uncomfortable Commission (part 2) - Jim Fleming

"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?
Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?... 
... and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday "
Isaiah 58: 6-10

The word in verse 10 is IF.
- IF you feed the hungry and do away with injustice so oppression can be lifted then the promise is that “your light will rise in the darkness.” Fantastic!!
- IF we follow and act out these instructions God will enable his light to shine through us into the darkness of the world!

What our group, “Doing it for Him”(Matt 25:40), are looking for are co-workers to partner with us in the work of bringing food aid, in the form of hampers, to the most needy in society. We have a contact in Social Services who pass on details of those who really need assistance.

If anyone feels led to become co-workers then we need much prayer and also on a more practical level donations of non-perishable food, toiletries, etc. A large black bin has been left on the wall facing the reception desk at church for all donations.

God bless you all as you “do it for Him.”


Thanks to Jim for the post and the challenge - pray for this ministry, and for Jim and his team and they try to find ways to reach out in love and meet the needs of our city. d

a moral dilemma...

My internet is still broken, and its too late to be at my parents... what chapter and verse deals with using your neighbour's wireless signal?! 

and does using that signal to waste the night away reading christian blogs make it ok? 

Thursday, 10 July 2008


Petey Nik has a great post on a new worship song, "Healer" by Mike Guglielmucci. Read his review and watch the video here.

BT still suck...

Still scrounging from the parents... bit pathetic!

Saturday, 5 July 2008

The Uncomfortable Commission (part 1)

The following is by Jim Fleming who's involved in setting up a new ministry in the church, introducing why they felt the call to set it up, I'll be making sure one follows on what they'll actually be doing, and how to get involved.

Who is my neighbour, where’s the love?
That speaks for those our world has lost,………Martin Smith, Delirious?

Feed the hungry, give the thirsty a drink, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, take care of the sick and visit the prisoner.

These were the last instructions that Jesus gave to his followers, his last teachings before the events that led to his death unfolded. Is there something poignant in that? (see Matthew 25-26).

God in the OT and Jesus, Paul, Peter and James in the NT have given us clear instructions on how to treat the poor, needy, widows, orphans, strangers, aliens and prisoners. There is little doubt that God has a heart for those in need.

In the Bible there are over 31000 verses and recently the Bible Society revealed that over 2000 of these refer to God’s views on poverty and justice, the highest concentration being 1 in every 7 verses in the Gospels!

So what can we do to reach this world that’s lost, who are our neighbours? Well there are many, fine Christian charities working with those in need in the developing world but what about here in Norn Iron or to be more specific in our homeland of East Belfast? 2006 statistics for the Province reveal that 1 in 5 adults and over a quarter of children live in low income conditions!

Well our group, “Doing it for Him”, feel led to bring comfort for those who really need it, the poor, the single parents, the needy pensioners. God willing by following his instructions we can reach these “neighbours” with His love.


BT suck...

Sorry for the absence of any posts lately, my BT hub has gone up the left - you only realise how much you use the internet when its broken! And going to your parents house solely to scrounge wireless off them is a bit pathetic!

Monday, 30 June 2008

What a prayer...

I've listened to this song a hundred times and its only this morning that I've really thought about how intense the words are, and how hollow I've made them by carelessly singing them without meaning it:

Help me live a life of love that pleases,
My one desire is to see you lifted,
Burn me up, burn me up
Until all we see is you

Jesus, you're all I've ever needed
Your joy will be the strength I live by
Burn me up, burn me up
Until all we see is you

Lead me on to a place where your glory is revealed
Burn me up, burn me up
Until all we see is you


Thursday, 26 June 2008

Random Quote - Chan

"Someone asked me recently why I don't save money for emergencies, or retirement. My answer was how can I justify saving for myself "just in case" something happens to me when something IS happening to so many already. 29,000 kids will die today of preventable causes. If I'm to love my neighbor AS myself, why spend so much time worrying about me?" 
- Francis Chan, June 08

A fairly challenging way to look at things, especially when I took a job that's main attraction is the pension scheme. Hopefully its not just a phase I'm going through, but the last few weeks (after reading Crazy Love) I been really starting to think more about where my money goes, and how much I really need for myself. 

The video below is by Sarah McLachlan - who made the video on a minimum budget, and gave what it should have cost to various causes - a total of $148,270. Visit world on fire for a list of recipients.

clip length: 4min 35sec


Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Crazy Love

Out of the three people that read this blog, one has read this book, ones in the middle of it, an one's already had to listen to me harp on about it. However, its still worth a few posts, not least to keep me thinking about the themes and challenges it poses.

Simply put, this is an amazing book! 

Chan basically spends three chapters having us reevaluate who God is, and then the remaining seven examining our response to him. Every page has a challenge, and the impassioned, loving tone that Chan uses throughout makes it impossible to ignore what he is saying or to think that he has any ulterior motive other than love for God and His church.

As an accompaniment to the book he's set up crazylovebook.com that includes videos relating to each chapter. Below is the video introduction to wet your appetite if you haven't already got it [Pete].

Read Challies review and then get straight onto Amazon and order this book!


Monday, 23 June 2008

Mustache March

Working shifts has a lot of downsides - but a plus is a lot of free time during the day to get lots of useful stuff done. Unfortunately I normally waste hours looking at rubbish on the internet.

It was on one such morning that I found these guys. They took it upon themselves to raise some money for charity, by spending the month of March growing mustaches - surely the most humiliating of all facial hair varieties!

They all shaved clean on March 1st, were allowed 7 days of full beard growth before shaving to reveal the 'tache without the comfort blanket of a beard and leaving it for the remainder of the month.

Because my job doesn't allow me to grow a beard I had to wait until holiday to attempt my own, although only going as far as the 7 day mark. The photos below show my glorious, if rather disturbing efforts!

This is the way we should be raising money to pay of building debts!



Just stumbled across this site when looking for a new wallpaper for the mac. I'd seen this stuff mentioned on places before but never really paid any attention. Basically its a project thats been set up with major brands including Apple, Gap, Armani and American Express whereby when a consumer buys a designated (red) product, they will donate a percentage of the profit to (red) who will then use this to purchase AIDs medication for Africa.

Check out the video clip and website

After reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan recently (which is amazing by the way - highly recommended - Homelio gives it a mention) started to think a bit more about what we can do in our privileged middle class lives! Things like this don't even cost us anything!


Monday, 16 June 2008

Not at all "relevant?", but cool nonetheless!

Sam and I went to a major league baseball game on Sat night, whilst flying the flag for the green and white! And our team even won - amazing stuff. 

Obviously it wasn't as electric as the Kop, but it was a good laugh!


Incidentally, whilst watching the Sweden v Spain match on US tv earlier that day, it only took the commentator 6mins to come out with the following;

"Spain, who were beaten in Belfast by Northern Ireland. [pause], as were Sweden"! ESPN know we exist!

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

I love the US y'all

I'm posting this from a MacBook Pro in the Apple Store in Florida.

Sam's about to buy this exact machine!

Hope its raining in Belfast!


Thursday, 5 June 2008

Hellooo Mickey!

I'm going on holiday tomorrow to the good ole US of A! Hopefully I'll avoid all things Mickey related for two weeks! 



Tuesday, 3 June 2008

I love proverbs!

Due to the title of the previous post, I thought I should even the balance by posting my favorite verse from proverbs, and proof that God made sex desirable for a reason and that Christians should enjoy it passionately (with their spouses!)

"Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe.
Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love." 
Proverbs 5: 18-19


No sex please - we're christians!

Sex and dating action night, this Wed night at 7.30. Hopefully plenty of people will come along, its something everyone complains that the church doesn't talk about - now that they are you've nothing left to complain about.

We'd posted some links to useful resources up here over the past few weeks - you can check them all out again by clicking on the tags down the right hand side of the screen - or below.

By the way - this is not in any way for couples only - everyone will be able to get something out of it. Hopefully see you there.


Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Knowledge or Jesus?

Read an interesting post on Fools Gold talking about why it's ok if you can't remember last Sunday's sermon.

Quoting Jonathon Edwards as saying

“The main benefit that is obtained by preaching is by impression made upon the mind in the time of it, and not by the effect that arises afterwards by a remembrance of what was delivered”

the writer argues that remembering the 'five points' of a sermon at some stage in the future is no where near as important as whether or not it causes us to "see Jesus" at the time of hearing.

I think there's a problem within some circles (myself included in this) of seeing sermons at times only as an academic exercise, and rating pastors on their ability to essentially lecture on theology - neglecting to place any emphasis on the sermons devotional aspects. 

In todays 'myspace culture' its easy to sit under the teaching of high profile pastors like Driscoll, Piper or Bell whilst living on the other side of the planet. But when we're reading whoever it is we read and spending time downloading sermons etc. what are we looking for?

The same applies to those of us who preach a bit - when we're preparing our messages what are we trying to achieve? Are we trying to show people what we know? Or are we trying to show people Jesus?


“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Sex sells!

A recent post on oral sex seems to have done an unintentional job in outreach! 

The hit counter I use tells you what link people have clicked on to get to your site. Some chinese guy (I'll assume it was a guy!) searched for "oral sex" on the chinese google, and after searching through 16 pages of results to porn clicked on the relevant? link - and instead of seeing some porn clip got Driscoll instead! 

Hopefully he read on down the blog and clicked on the X3 link too!


SONshine Club Kenya Project

I asked Brenda Stewart recently would she mind contributing to the blog by giving a bit of an introduction to the SONshine club - she kindly sent through the following...

"The SONshine Club was formed in May 2006 after a visit to Kenya delivering school stationery and clothes to many extremely poor people (85% of the population in Tharaka, Turkana & Samburu regions are unable to earn £10 per month to feed their families). We set out to find sponsors for 40 children and dig 2 wells.... 

...we now have over 120 children sponsored, have opened & run a medical clinic, set up a medical sponsorship programme, have completed the 2 wells and dug a bore hole, completed the first 3 classrooms in Gaceuni! 

To get a better picture of what we are doing and how you can help, why not visit our website - SONshine Club Kenya Project"

Cheers to Brenda for the information, check out their site and try not to be convicted!


Monday, 26 May 2008

Random, but funny!

This clip is called "if you watch this 100 times you'll still laugh". If you're an immature male who laughs at other peoples misfortune you will. I did!

clip length: 4sec


Thursday, 22 May 2008

Prayer Request - Steven Curtis Chapman

I just read the tragic news that Steven's youngest adopted daughter, 5 year old Maria, died yesterday when she was hit by an SUV driven by her teenage brother in the family's driveway. What a horrendous thing for the family to have to go through, not only losing one child, but for another to have to deal with being involved. 

Please pray for the family. 


Wednesday, 21 May 2008

The Shack - Review by Tim Challies

One of the recommended books in our Shefari widget is "The Shack" by William P Young. I haven't read this book myself but Pete read it recently and really enjoyed it. It seems to be this years, Purpose Driven Life, with people going nuts over it - either because they love it, or because they hate it! With blogs and websites seemingly dedicated to discussing it!

Tim Challies,  a guy I know only a little about - but who comes highly recommended has written a very substantial review of the book here - its about 15 pages long, but worth a look if your interested in seeing what all the fuss is about. I originally read a more condensed review that he did a while ago and would recommend you read this first if you just want a quick read. 

I've read a few of Challies reviews now and they are all extremely fair and well written, so much so that even if you disagree with what he's saying its hard not to respect it!


Maximum term for abortion remains 24 weeks

MPs vote to maintain maximum age for abortion at 24weeks. BBC news article.

Homelio has an interesting post on this, along with links to various resources on the topic.


"As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything" Ecc 11:5

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

How rich are you?

I'm the 56,996,229 richest person on earth!

Discover how rich you are! >>

"Some things cost more than you realise"

Check out the below clip from Radiohead - All I Need. It follows two young boys for a day - one in a nice middle class school, the other in an oriental sweat-shop. Radiohead have produced this is partnership with MTV Exit (End Exploitation and Trafficking). 

I have to admit that child trafficking and exploitation is not something that I am particularly knowledgeable on, or even something that has been close to my heart for any length of time - I'm very much guilty of having the  "what I can't see..." attitude, and ignoring it. It is probably through the influence of Pete C that I've started thinking about this kind of thing a bit more, and considering what part we play in it. 

The LA Times have a pretty eye opening article on slavery in the 21st Century here. Maybe its about time we starting taking notice of these things and others like them that are maybe even happening a lot closer to home, but are hard to see with your head in the sand!


Links to video and article courtesy of Eugene Cho 

Worshipping God with your body

In Sept 2005 worship 24/7 organised a weekend away down south. On the Saturday night Tim Millen gave a talk entitled "Worshipping God with your body". I remember getting up to lead worship when he had finished and feeling nothing but worthlessness - I think most people there felt exactly the same. In it he talks about guarding where your body goes, what it does and what it ponders, covering sex, gluttony, pornography, alcohol and clubbing.

It covers a lot, but does it really well - it should only take about 5-10mins to read. Read it in five parts here - remember to start at Part 1 at the bottom of the page and work up!

Sample quote "When we are in danger of such sin [sexual], we should not argue or debate or explain, and we certainly should not try to rationalise. We are not to consider it a spiritual challenge to be met, but a spiritual trap to be escaped. We should get away as fast as we can".

Cheers to Gary at Homelio for getting this up


“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.” 1 Cor 6:19–20

Monday, 19 May 2008

Say no to crack!

In the spirit of loving all things Seattle related, stumbled across this guys blog today. Eugene Cho - he pastors Quest church in Seattle. Haven't looked into the church too much but this post deserves a link for the title alone! You'll get it if you read the article!

Say no to crack


This is Patrick!

No reason - its just really funny. At least I think so...



Friday, 16 May 2008

Oral Sex - too far?

Definitely don't want this to become a Driscoll fan site, but unfortunately he's good at answering topical questions. and putting them into short video clips for me to use!

The following is a clip where he answers the question "If I've given or received oral sex, would you consider me a virgin?" I haven't uploaded this for shock value, or to be intentionally controversial - but think the whole "how far is to far?" question remains unanswered to a lot of peoples satisfaction, and Driscoll takes a good stab at answering this.

clip length: 5min 37s

There's a lot of my own opinion I could waffle on about on the topic of purity, but Driscoll does it much more concisely! Hopefully this is something to get you at least thinking about this if "drawing the line in a relationship" is something your struggling to do. If it is then please talk to someone about it, we've all been there - if you're at the church then speak to the pastors, solid christian friends, or myself and Pete - we'll all be more than happy to help you work through things in your head. 


Eph 5:3 "But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among the saints"

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Sex and dating - Playing the field?

In response to a question from Petey Nickell regarding "playing the field" when you are younger, my good friend Gary Boal replied with the following:

"Honestly, I believe that the desire of a young person to have a girlfriend or boyfriend is a great motivating factor to become a man or woman worthy of dating and marriage.

I believe that we should only date members of the opposite sex who we could honestly see ourselves spending our future with. In this I'm aware that a certian amount of 'dates' and 'getting to know eachother' need to happen before that conclusion can be drawn.

What I'd say is that to play the field is wrong and has at core a sinful attitude of self gratification (not even speaking sexualy), but that when we date, we should be aware that for that time God has placed that girl in our possession for His glory. That she is a sister in Christ and not yet one with us and so should be treated with respect as we persue relationship with her.
Also that we should be a blessing to her walk with Christ and in our example of what Godly manhood looks like.

It is a sure thing that alot of relationships don't last, so as Christians date, we must find a God exalting, Christ centered way of doing that. I think the Song of Solomon is great on this, in that the couple spend time getting to know each other - they date. So dating's biblical! Chapter 2:8-10 shows him coming and asking for a date.

I have to hold my hands up and say I do have some extreme veiws that are shaped from Song of Solomon. I am leaning on the side of french kissing as being for marriage alone - the only time we see it is after the couple are married and are in foreplay getting ready to make love. (4:11) But I'd only advise this, the main thing is that each person doesnt ask the question 'how far can i go' but rather asks 'How can I best glorify Christ in this?'

1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of Christ". I reckon that dating falls under "whatever" and "all".

So although I do believe in dating and wouldn't put an age limit on it, and would even encourage the awareness that a particular relationship may not last, I'd say that to 'play the field' holds a wrong heart motive, one that is about onesself getting around as many delightful partners as possible and getting self enjoyement in this area and doesn't first point to God in it".

Go on the G Boal!

Gary posts almost daily on Homelio, and can't help but bring everything to Song of Solomon eventually! Pervert! You should check it out.


Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Sex and Dating - Links

The first in hopefully a series of posts to resources relating to this. 

This is a webzine with nearly 2000 articles on dating and sex! Some will no doubt be rubbish, I've read a few good ones so far. The opinions expressed here might be way out there or might be spot on - hopefully you'll have a bit of discernment of your own. If someone reads a few and finds some that are particularly good - leave a comment directing us to it.

From what I've read so far it seems to be very practical based and not a huge amount of scripture but we can try and correct for the next few posts!

dating and courtship


Monday, 12 May 2008

Sex and Dating

The post below mentions how there is going to be an action night coming up in the church dealing with the topics of sex and dating. I thought it night be a good idea over the next four weeks to post on that topic to equip people a bit for when this night comes.

If you have any links to resources, sermon clips, video clips, quotes from books, personal testimonies etc. in relation to this get in touch and we'll get them posted up so everyone can benefit from them.


re: late barbeque

re: late barbeque this Saturday night at 8 in the church grounds. 

There'a also another action night coming up on Wed 4th - I'm told the topic this  time will be "physical attraction and courtship" - think we can assume this means 'sex and dating'. Should be a good one - see re: late blog for all details. 

Friday, 9 May 2008

What is normal?

Hey Everyone,

Pete Nick here. Just been asked to do a brief preface/synopsis for this video below. So anyway, for those of you who have had your heads under a big rock or having been living in a closet for the past year, will probably not have heard of Pastor Mark Driscoll. He is the preaching pastor at one the fastest growing churches in the U.S, Mars Hill Church, Seattle. I think a lot of people, including myself have really benefited by what this guy has to say. Its stuff that has been around for thousands of years, Timeless answers to timely questions, but has just been presented in the right way, to this current culture. This video is a clip from the latest series "Doctrine: What Christians should believe" and is all about the Image of God, and how we try to find normality in ourselves, whenever Jesus is really the only form of normal that has ever existed.

So enjoy!


clip length: 3min 42s

Thursday, 8 May 2008


Apparently I once again disabled comments on the blog - should be enabled now - forgive me!


Wednesday, 7 May 2008


Really the only two topical posts so far have been related to porn and child trafficking. That is not all that this blog is about by any means, but they are important none the less. In continuing the theme please watch the below clip. If you haven't seen this before it is a track from an american hip hop artist called Mr J Medierous. Its about the plight of a 13 year old Phillipino girl sold into the sex industry and about how we ourselves help fund and finance her pimps when watching pornography. 

Its an extremely powerful clip - that not only forces us to acknowledge the fact this horrendous practice exists - but also to consider the part that we play in it.

Pray for girls and boys like Constance being exploited the world over - for who's gain?


re: late

I've kind of assumed that everyone who ever visits this blog will know what re: late is. For anyone who doesn't...

...re: late is a new ministry, recently started in Glenmachan Church of God, aimed at providing something for those in the church between the ages of 18 and 30. Its pretty much the aim that it will be based around social events, be that as simple as all heading to someone's house or hiring out coffee shops for our own use. We intend that by rebuilding social ties within the church that true fellowship will increase.

The first event was held at Cafe Culture on Belmont Road, last Saturday night and was pretty successful. We had couple of girls, Karen and Leah there to play (who were awesome) and there was a really good atmosphere to the place. For more information as well as photos and stuff of the night visit the blog.


Contributers Required

This site is maintained by myself and Pete, but we have no intention that the posts will be made exclusively by us. We welcome contributions. I've already approached a few people about writing articles for us regarding, mission trips away, child trafficking, and the persecuted church. At the time this was for the re: late blog, but since the change of plans these will be posted here.

Anyone else who has anything they feel is worth contributing get in touch. It could be a prayer request, book review, an issue you feel passionately about, a testimony, web site recommendations - whatever! Everything will be considered.


re: late - relevant?

I've no doubt people we will be wondering what the need was for another site. We've decided that it would be a better idea to have two sites running for a fairly simple reason.

The re: late site will be used exclusively for promoting and reviewing events run by re: late. This new site actually has nothing to do with re: late and is entirely the responsibility of myself and Pete. By separating the two it allows discussion on this site of topics, and the expression of opinions that may not be appropriate on a site run by the church.

Myself and Pete are no less involved in re: late and this new site will continue to promote it - its just more logical to run discussions here. Hopefully both sites will continue to be used to their full potential.


What's Relevant?

Not a clue! This blog is primarily run by Pete C and myself, although we will be actively seeking additional contributors. We're not 100% sure what our intention is with it. We see a few main aims:

- We want something that encourages the church to look past its four walls, to see what is happening in the city/country/world in which we live, and to encourage people to be open to God's leading to do something about it

- We want somewhere were issues within the church, and within our generation can be dealt with and discussed openly - somewhere were seemingly 'controversial' issues like pornography can talked about honestly and where this and other struggles are no longer ignored

- We want to produce something that encourages fellowship within our generation in the church, promoting social events, and spiritual support between each other

- We want something that in the end will build us all up as God's people, and allow him to be more glorified in our lives


Who's watching you?

Not quite sure what we intend to achieve with this blog, or really what qualifies as suitable content - but I think a big part of it should involve making people aware of resources online be it software, videos, sermons, certain websites etc.

The single most vital piece of software I've ever been directed to is X3 watch. It is developed by xxxchurch.com and basically watches everything you look at online - before reporting any seemingly dodgy sites at the end of each week/month to any number of accountability partners nominated by you.

Any male reading this (and likely some females) will be more than aware of the huge damage that pornography addiction, and habitual masturbation is doing within the worldwide church - it would seem that very very few men are exempt from this issue. Yet, as individuals and as a church, we're afraid to do anything about it, instead we're happy to ignore it!

Don't want this to be a full blown porn post - although that will without doubt come soon - just didn't want anyone to be without excuse for not having x3 on their computer any longer! Watch how quickly the porn consumption drops when you know your friend/pastor/wife is getting an email detailing it at the end of the week!


"For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness"

Madeleine McCann

Got this text from Pete Nickell last night - don't know who got it, but for anyone who didn't...

"Don't know if any of you watched that crazy Madeline McCann documentary tonight, it was very moving. But I just ask you to pray for her and her family, for what they've gone through, that God will show his love on this family, and if its in God's will, work a miracle. Pete"

Thought it was something we should all be thinking about - its sometimes too easy to be in the church, and ignore the needs of the world because they're not affecting us. Please pray for the McCanns.
